[106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer
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[106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer
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[106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer
-怎麼買? 居然曾造成搶購熱潮,
[106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer
-怎麼買? CP值超高!
About the product
True HEPA Filter captures 99.97% of dust and allergens as small as .3 microns such as household dust, pet dander, mold spores and plant pollens. Charcoal filter reduces common odors from pets, smoking and cooking.
UV-C light technology works with Titanium Dioxide to kill airborne bacteria, viruses, germs and mold spores.
22 inch 3 speed tower is best used for medium sized rooms and CADR rated 100+
IMPORTANT: Use GENUINE Guardian Technologies replacement parts to maintain product performance and warranty. Only one single filter needs to be replaced every 6-8 months depending on the use of the product; Replacement filter is filter B - Model FLT4825 (ASIN B0055521W0) . To lengthen the life of your filter, a 4 pack of the carbon filters is also available - Model FLT22CB4 (ASIN B017ANUVC6). Voltage: 120V 60Hz
Safety certified by Intertek which is a Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory. Certain units might produce mechanical noise during initial set-up which will subside after regular usage. Units are constantly life tested to insure the product meets the performance and durability expectations of the consumer.
How it Works
First, a pre-filter and a charcoal filter combine to capture large particles like dust and lint, as well as destroy common household odors. Then, a True HEPA filter captures 99.97 percent of airborne particles, as small as .3 microns in size, such as dust mites, debris, mold spores, plant pollens, and pet dander. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics Allergy & Immunology, doctors recommend HEPA air filtration systems to reduce exposure to indoor asthma triggers. Finally, UV-C light technology works to help kill airborne viruses and bacteria while Titanium Dioxide is activated by the UV-C light to decompose odor molecules caused by smoking, cooking, and pets.
Product Dimensions: 7 x 10.2 x 21.5 inches ; 7 pounds
Shipping Weight: 10.8熱賣商品英文結婚送禮推薦 pounds活動產品結婚送禮推薦
UPC: 794628289250 802298069840 895916000851 879488147947 799475064265 890100045205 787732255396
Item model number: AC4825
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【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買?好用嗎,【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買?評價怎麼樣, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 去哪買?,【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 比較評比, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 使用評比, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 開箱文, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 推薦, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 評測文, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? CP值, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 評鑑大隊, 【經典商品】 [106美國直購] 清淨機 GermGuardian AC4825 3-in-1 Air Cleaning System with True HEPA Filter, UV-C Sanitizer -怎麼買? 部落客推薦
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記者 方凡 報導
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堵車費談判邁小步 出租車先徵收
紐約州2019新財年預算案終達成,一直被熱議的「堵車費」計畫,敲定初步方案,對進入紐約市曼哈頓96街以南的出租車輛(For-hire Vehicles)收取額外2.75元費用,該款項收入將用於大都會運輸署(MTA)的「地鐵行動計畫」(Subway Action Plan)等紐約市公共交通改善項目。但此前力促以徵收堵車費方式來改進地鐵的乘客維權組織則認為,州府該行動力度不足。
根據30日深夜達成的2019財年紐約州預算,爭吵已久的堵車費方案得以前進一小步;為給大都會運輸署提供一個長期經費來源,及減少曼哈頓地區的交通堵塞,紐約市曼哈頓96街以南的出租車輛將被收取2.75元。對於黃色出租車(Yellow cabs),收取2.50元,對於共享出租車,則收取0.75元。這些費用收入將直接進入到大都會運輸署的帳戶,為紐約市「地鐵行動計畫」、交通運輸改善提供長久的經費來源。
此外,在2019財年預算中,州府按州長葛謨此前承諾,為MTA的紐約市地鐵大修提供所需8億3600萬元經費的一半。另還將撥款,用於改善紐約市賓州車站(Penn Station)公共安全設施,及擴展下哈德遜交通線(Lower Hudson Transit Link)公交系統。
對於州長葛謨在交通方面的預算案,眾多捷運權益組織並不買帳,包括「交通替代」(Transportation Alternatives)、「乘客聯盟」(Riders Alliance)在內的多個組織發表聲明中指出,捷運系統與民眾生活息息相關,修繕目前的捷運系統應該是州府首要目標,但是2019財年預算中並沒有提供一項令人信服的方案,讓MTA有徹底改革,也沒有提供足夠的資金來源改善地鐵系統。